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منابع وبي مرتبط با علوم كامپيوتر
دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:
BUBL Subject gateway to on-line resources covering all aspects of computer science.
BUBL: Computer Science Research
BUBL: Computing and the Internet
Yahoo: Computer Science
University of Florida Gateway to Computer Sciences
SciCentral Subject gateway covering a variety of science subjects including computer science.
TechWeb Gateway to a whole host of computing information from e-business to systems design, includes access to Microsoft's Daily News.
Virtual Computer Library Maintains a variety of links to computer related resources including on- line books and guides.
WWW Virtual Library Computer Science Web based resources arranged by topic.
Computer Stuff (Speakeasy)
Computing and Software Engineering Web Sites (St. Thomas Univ. Library)
Computers, Computer Sciences & Electrical Engineering
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